How to get a free subdomain with OBL.ONG?

Have you ever wanted your very own website domain but didn’t know how to get one or thought it would be too expensive? Well, there’s good news! A nonprofit called https://OBL.ONG is here to help you out, and the best part? It’s totally free!

What Is OBL.ONG?
OBLONG is a group that believes everyone should have their own website name that shows who they are. They think getting a website name should be easy, fun, and cost nothing. Unlike other places that give out free website names, OBL.ONG makes sure theirs are easy to remember and don’t make people think it’s spam.

How to Get Your Free Website Name
Getting your free website name with OBL.ONG is super simple:

  1. Go to their website and sign up without needing a password.
  2. Tell them a little about what you’re making your website for.
  3. Send your request, and you might get your website name in just one day if they’re not too busy.

Why OBL.ONG Is Different
OBL.ONG wants to make sure everyone can have a website name that feels right for them without the hassle or cost. They’re all about giving, not taking. Plus, they’re very open about how they use any money donated to them, so you know it’s going towards a good cause.

How You Can Help
If you like what OBL.ONG is doing and want to support them, you can donate money. Any amount helps, and it’s all tax-deductible. This means you can help OBL.ONG keep offering free website names and even get a little thank you on your taxes.

So, if you’ve ever dreamed of having your own website name that tells the world who you are, OBL.ONG is ready to make it happen. Visit their website, sign up, and you could be the proud owner of a new website name without spending a penny.

Claim your domain here!


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