I am soo pissed at my dad's computer layout

I am pissed at my dad’s computer layout because I had a 1 mill run coming on but I was moving his mouse and the bookmarks are on the side of the screen so I clicked one and it made me leave the game
:sob: :sob: :sob:
Anyways I still almost got 300,000 my second-best run!!

That suck, but nice man

Aw that’s sad. You didn’t get a “Changes you made may not be saved.” popup?

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No :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

You cannot comprehend how much extra hours of playtime sb has because of that popup

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Wait, elaborate? Would people leave their computer with that pop up open, assuming that they’ve closed the tab? And that would count towards the playtime?

No no I mean like a lot of runs would’ve been lost if that popup hadn’t saved it, idk why it didn’t show up for you tho @KILLEN maybe you disabled it in Browser settings?


that’s tru when i was doing my 1.6m run i accidentally clicked the google news bookmark and it showed me that pop up


It was a bookmark and I did not disable it but my dad might have (it is his computer)

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