I forgot my Swordbattle.io Account

So recently a month ago, I hopped off swordbattle, and I didn’t hop on since then. A few days ago I had tried to log in and didn’t work, so I just didn’t play that day. When I tried today, it still says invalid username, and I had that as my username and it wasn’t my password. I need to know how I CAN RECOVER, OR IS IT PAST ALL HOPE

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Welcome to the forums!

Can you find your profile link? Try going to https://swordbattle.io/ <YourProfileName>

For example mine is codergautam

If your profile loads, we might be able to recover it.

I couldn’t because I remembered I had added a word in my clan rank, but can you look on the leaderboard data from the second week of November, around the 9th, which was the last time I played. My username I last had it was {GL} SmartChris.

Could you pull it up with my email? I think I had put my email with it.

Was it resolved?

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145 days ago was January 2024, so I think it was resolved


ig hes not using it anymore

This guy is now apart of the endless graveyard of inactive swordbattle accounts

gautam should just sell these accounts to the highest bidder lol

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