I'd love some help.

G’day. I’ve just started playing swordbattle, (literally just started a few hours ago) and I’d like some help. It’s a bit of a skill issue, but I’m getting absolutely dogwalked out there, so I would appreciate it if someone could help me learn some good, old fashioned PvP so that I don’t have to look like a coward running away from 3 giant circles with turtle shells on their heads. If anyone has other tricks for me, I’d greatly appreciate it, as I am very confused(Skill issue). Thanks.

Hello! Welcome to the game and forum! Let me know whenever you’re in-game. I’d be glad to give you advice while you’re playing. We’re all fairly new to V2’s PVP, but we do have lots of experience from V1.

What’s your time zone? And when are you on? I could try and hop on during your time :D

EST, I’ll be on as much as I can but I have a class at about 3:00 pm, so maybe after then. I’d appreciate the help from both of you.

hit the enemy

Shoot, why didn’t I think of that?

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