Idea for an io game

I know its been a long time since i posted or even visited. I tried to come here often.

Anyways, let me get to the point. So i want to make an io game but i dont have an idea for it :confused: so im asking you guys to give me a name and idea for a game and the top liked and appropriate idea will be chosen



A parkour race game 2d

So pretty much fall guys 2d?

A hyper realistic rpg game
The graphics don’t need to be realistic, the player is just weak like a normal human

Endless runner?

Forgot to mention, an idea for a multiplayer game obv

This still works, combat is really stupid because it’s people punching each other and health doesn’t regenerate fast

that would be a good 3d idea ngl, might use that idea for a later 3d project :)

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Yeah pretty much but more killing if you fail you restart and then you can just add a bunch of other mini games

Adding to this, it can be like those survival games but since combat is bs everyone will slowly to make clans

Agreed before you could kill teasers with skill but now it is a lot more numbers based but it might be fine

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Something like this should go in Developers

regardless, a boss fighting simulator would be cool

hmmm… what camera view would it be for this idea?

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I would think a sideways view such as Mario