Is it TRUE.... YES!!!!

Not forever but for now join on to enconter the rare Shadow rider playing again.

also side note is it just be or v2 more laggy then v1

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It’s just because there’s more stuff so its kinda worse in FPS but shouldn’t be too much laggier ping wise or gameplay wise. Should get better if I slowly find time to iterate on it

Also welcome back I remember your name from somewhere…


heres a hint my first name was cvefy

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Yoooo OG cvefy???

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He lost his acc password

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And apparently moved

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ye the one and only

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Old top 5

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:) yep

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i remember in v1 it was much more laggier when you have more than 150k xp so i think its improved- but theres another topic that covers that

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Oh my god no way
I missed you :’D

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Welcome back!!

Welcome back, you were one of the first friends I made here :slight_smile:



yess, undercovercvefy

Oh, I remember you! Welcome back!

Hey, just to let you guys know- he’s weird and he’s suspended for pm-ing if I’m single…
I don’t really think we should trust him…

ik Flare can be a bit weird, but pming you if you are single?


:sob: it’s true- and he told num even more weird things… ask him…

yeah he told me