Is this BAD or GOOD idea for a sb skin

Idk sheep is kinda boring but depending o nthe color it may be good

Is some1 making the cotton candy skin??? >:)

I am

Bet what’s the progress on it rn?

i didn’t work on it rn

I need u 2 I need cotton candy skin it’ll be such a wwwww cotton :candy:

here i’ll just sketch out smth so u can see

Alr bet won’t be as good as a finished product but sure! :+1:

What i’m thinking of.

It don’t look too good yet cuz sketch but should look better when done when are u planning on finishing it??

is just a concept sketch on both sword and skin

Ya ik dw abt it :)

my normal side: oh, nice
my evil side: Ayo, why that look like a-

Wrong topic :skull:


U they posted the pokeman that looks like an ass on a different topic :skull:

nah, i was talking about the art concept

Ahh ohh I thought u were talking abt the Pokémon in a different topic that looks like it has an ass in the front ._.

Welp going to do my work and work on the cotton candy skin. Bye

Bet I’m counting on u :+1: >:( I probably shouldn’t :skull: but I will ! Bye dude have a good one