New Features Since Last Post

New power-ups system, Best Kill Streak display, timed portal entry in multiplayer. I’ve got some other things in mind as well. Enjoy!

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Erm what the sigma

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Did this game ever start getting players cause it fully deserves to get popular

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Jet pack game? Yeah it got popular i saw a lot of ppl from my old school playing it, some from our school now

Fr? Noice it is underrated


You play this game still wasd lol? I stopped playing this like years ago :sob: good game tho

As far as I can see this game does have a pretty big playerbase now but something I discovered is since I still had my adblock on when I was playing the game, it just said “ad could not be loaded” and then the whole thing crashed so I turned it off

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Yeah, because your not supposed to have an ad blocker on ._.

Its on when I go to a new website by default the main point I’m saying is people with adblock might not notice that its causing that problem

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Yeah, true, having ad block just isn’t good for some games. They can purposely make it so that you can’t play easily if you have an ad block enabled. Unless its a good, expensive ad blocker that websites cant recognize