
Hi everyone this is LeonMS123

I want to apologize for a the craziness that has been going on with me I wanna make a new fresh start I have cut ties with John titor and the {RIP} clan I do not want to say why or talk down or bad about him that’s all I would like to say I’m sorry for all the people I have betrayed and if you will accept me I would love to have a second chance I will start to be more peaceful from now on


I’ve killed you before and also didn’t have any problem with you, (only when I was grinding)

finding this one hard to believe

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So, bleep of.

I’m not sure how much I believe this…

we be enemies forever Leon so like yuh xD
u have wiedd will died and will continue to die >:)

ya so much cap I smell it from 1908203472 miles away :D

I’m friends with Leon now

brotha UHHHHH … L choice wompity wommp

i actually havent seen him in like a month


This dude is still one of the worst people rn

Ya fr he has been inactive af

Ya im glad he and john titor have been taking a break or stoped playing!

john online often
he just uses different accounts

Wait really? Like what accounts titor0??

like Player or random bot names
Titor0 is someone else

Wait ru sure that that is someone else?!?! Cuz ive been wondering

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Oh yeah he uses player and spams acc

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Yeah fr