Lost skins after v2 migration

I lost all my skins?

I was grinding for fish skin :frowning_face:

Did u lose the skins u previously had?

Everything because I cant claim OG skins

The OG skins you had from v1 should be able to be equipped (u cant buy new ones)

There is a bug tho where if you equip a skin it doesnt show equipped immediately, but i’ll fix it soon. It’s only a visual glitch and does actually equip that skin in the backend.

I cant claim any OG? not even cookie

I dont understand what you mean by “claim”

Well actually it says equipped but I cant unequip or anything

equip mb

You aren’t able to purchase any OG skins that you didn’t purchase in V1. But the ones that you have already bought pre-V2 can still be equipped


It says equipped but it doesnt show + unable to unequip + can i at least have fish skin :pensive:

there will be ways to get og skins by limited time events etc


Its a bug but you did equip it tho

If i knew this i would of bought more skins…

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You didn’t remember the post about og skins? :augh:

I guess I didn’t see it… :augh:

Also now I’m doubting myself if I bought microwave and skull or not

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