Major decrease in game performance when off tabbing

When I first load into the game the ping is usually fine (and subsequently the lag).
However, as soon as I go off tab it gets way way worse. Basically, the more I leave the game the worse my performance gets (both FPS and ping). And it stays that way too, it doesn’t get better or go down.
The weird thing is, this has never happened to me before. Like obviously I would have a lag spike but it was temporary and would go away after like a minute. I’ve tried turning off anti-aliasing but it didn’t help. I also tried checking if my browser freezes the tab when I leave but it doesn’t. Has this happened to you guys?

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Yea that first image is completely fine fr

If you have seen ʞᴉllǝɹ, this has happened to quite a lot of people, before, ping going off the charts, ask ANGEL about her experience, she has had ping that was so very high before

Yes this is a known bug, from what I’ve heard from testers it’s not there in V2


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