Mini games for sbio

Yes you heard me right. What is after v2, there was a button near shop called mini games. You can play those games for a smaol amount of coins.
Hear me out, this wud be fun and useful if the server is too full, smon is playing for u, or its too laggy. It wont give too much coins.

  1. u have thee skin u selected. U keep moving right and have to jump before the map crushes u against a wall. Ofc map shudnt move that fast so u can manuever. Instead of spikes tgere will be bots waving swords at u and u have to kill them with either throw or hit. Everythibg is one shot. For this game each point can become a coin.
    Think infinite geometry dash or boxel rebound.

  2. Space shooter. Instead of an aircraft u get the selected skin. U have to kill bots that r falling down and waving sword. One shot kills ofc. Bots wont come too fast so u can avoid yhe sword they r wwaving but still must kill them before they reach bottom. For this game also score become coins
    Based off of canvas shooting game

  3. You press a button to go up while wearing swlected skin and avoid the swords flying in from the side. If u hit a chest itll give a perk or smtn. For this game also maybe score becomes coins again
    Based off of agile on replitu

  4. Still considering

Let me know what you guys think below. @gautam if u support this ill add it to my idea dump


personally na for me, coins should be earned from grinding the auctual game, personally not these side games.


Thats why theyll only give a small amount of coins like MAX 10000 after like 3 or 5 mins. Thisll also give more space for ads


I kinda like it.

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Personally for me, it seems like we would lose some respect in our game over something small like this, and it wouldn’t be worth it, but that’s just me though.

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How wud u lose respect
It would make sb unique. And maybe you need to pay like500 coins to play once

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I was thinking that along with payibg some vcoins to play, there could br a limit per 12 hrs for each game. Price and limit changes according to eziness of game


personally for me that just seems overly complicated for a io game.

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kinda agree with mit here I like the concept but even if we add minigames it should be just sword fighting related so we have like the best sword game instead of having a bunch of ripoff games


Alr. Ill rewrite the game ideas to include sword fighting skills on it

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Ik how itll be and the concept itll take time to type so ill do it after rewrite shud make it include swordfighting skills rnough to make it be added

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@gautam 1 and 2 now updated. Im considering removing 4. At least keep 3 so one will be pure fun and not just skill.

Point is! UPDATED. Check it out people


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