my bad opinions on the Q&A

This is interesting, but I don’t think that aura shield should be moved by the mouse, as it’s based off Orb sage which was meant to be controlled this way. (also it’d be op)

This faction feature is in like every single moomoo clone ever. And those games aren’t good. Also teaming is so overpowered that if the game starts to heavily promote it then its over.

I really wanted music in a lot, and I tried to produce it for realmz but I’m not good at it so you’ll just have to wait a long time.

Shadow Dash

This used to not be the case, and I’m glad it was changed, you’d die at like level 130 and respawn at 100.

You lose health because of small upgrade, just max out your speed, and if they do it too then team on them. (Running overpowered moment)

:thinking: sounds like something I suggested a LONG time ago.

This would make me encounter less literal bot players so W.

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