My Friend's NEW Skin Concept: "Jacques" Skin

So my hilarious pal, Bueller or Brayden, strikes again with his amazing, detailed, funny, and alittle disturbing line of skins with this new addition to the line up. This skin is called the “Jacques” skin and is 2,500 gems. It’s flavor text would be, according to my friend, “Hoh hoh hoh, j’adore les baguettes!”.
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Again my friend presents his “Jacques” skin with the “Filone Bread” sword.


Its beautiful, isn’t it?

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Who would NOT buy this skin?

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G, you hatin. This skin is fire. It’s the epitome of SwordBattle skins.

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I’m very sorry, please find it in your heart to forgive my insolent behavior

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New description :
Hoh hoh hoh, j’adore les baguettes!

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I don’t know if your being sarcastic or not, but Bueller puts work into these (I think.) He wants to become a part of the SwordBattle production team, since he can code AND do art. Hes been talking with Gautam about this.

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I was being sarcastic, but I genuinely thought that you were as well.

In reality, I think your friend is good at drawing, but I don’t love his art style

oh. mb, G. I’m stupid.

Why are the skins so creepy? They have an off feeling to them idk why

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Bueller told me that thats the point. He also showed me 2 other WORSE skins Imma post soon.

Ah because manage didn’t like it when skins had faces

That’s what it is! Faces and hands don’t match the sb style imo and they seem unsettling

Like ani-
I’m gonna shut up

C’est vrai art!

seems kinda stereo typical

Realizing that his hand will go flying off along with the baguette whenever the sword is thrown.