My friend's new skin design: The "Banana Man"

Remember that weird skin I posted that was designed by my weird friend? Well if you liked that won then heres another one of his ideas, which I drew. Its the “Banana Man” skin that costs a small 11,000., with it’s weird flavor text being: “Whats he doing with that banana?”
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My friend now presents to you the amazing “Banana Man” skina and his “Banana Swiper” sword.

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Remember: my friend said if his 2 skins got enough good feedback then he would make others.

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Creeps me out

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I like it. Your friend is good at drawing!

I guess then he was successful then.

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Your friend should be banished from making skins eek

why so mean

thx. Hes a pretty good artist, but all he did was draw it out on paper and I had to put it into digital:

The skins original name was “Moe Lesta”

your friend is a war criminal

You might wanna change that smile on his face :\ bro looks hella devious with that banana :skull:

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