My Grind Update 6

Starting the grind again. Met with my guidance council in school and a therapist today. And sorry for the image quality my school blocked the forum on my Chromebook. So the picture is taken on my phone. Thanks for the support for me and my mom :pray:t4: :pray:t4: :pray:t4:. :cookie::milk_glass:


Nice, you’re so close!

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You’re definitely gonna pass me in playtime lol

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How do you have so many hours dang

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we on the same level


Joking about the death of someone’s mother is not funny. If you saw what potatolord posted (which you probably did), you should already know how bad doing that is.

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The dissolution of the Soviet Union was the process of internal disintegration within the Soviet Union (USSR), which resulted in the end of the country as a sovereign state and its federal government, which in turn resulted in its 15 constituent republics gaining full independence on 26 December 1991.

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?? I’m not joking about death I’m joking about the fact that the fact that he spoke to the school guidance councillor and the fact that the school blocked the forum is in the same post.
I would assume the guidance councillor can’t really do anything except for notifying the teachers so they understand what’s going on. At least for my school district the guidance councilers don’t exactly help and for me worsened a couple of minor issues I had. For example giving unrealistic/ignorant tips about the issues people are facing. I will defend myself that that was not an joke about his mother’s death. Please understand my claim here. Its fair that my post was flagged for being off-topic though but I did not mean to be offensive to anyone except maybe the school.

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