My Ideas for Balancing

Title explains everything, I don’t know the game’s code too well so there may be some errors


module.exports = class Berserker extends Evolution {
  static type = Types.Evolution.Berserker;
  static level = 10;
  static abilityDuration = 7;
  static abilityCooldown = 50;

  applyAbilityEffects() {
    this.player.sword.damage.multiplier *= 1.25;
    this.player.sword.knockback.multiplier['ability'] = 1.8;
    this.player.speed.multiplier *= 1.5;
     this.player.sword.swingDuration.multiplier['ability'] = 0.6;

  update(dt) {

    this.player.sword.damage.multiplier *= 1.4;
    this.player.knockbackResistance.multiplier *= 1.1;
    this.player.speed.multiplier *= 1.1; *= 0.9;


+ Damage: 1.25 > 1.4
+ Speed: 1 > 1.1
- Max Health: 1 > 0.9
+ Ability Damage: 1.2 > 1.25
+ Ability Cooldown: 60 > 50

Damage and ability damage are changed to make berserker more worth getting, as tank do help berserkers run from heavily-damaging tank abilities. To make up for this, though, berserk health is slightly reduced. The ability cooldown is reduced to give the berserker ability more resemblance to the power of the tank ability, but since it is 50 seconds (and tank cooldown is 90 seconds) it can’t be activated twice per tank ability.


module.exports = class Tank extends Evolution {
  static type = Types.Evolution.Tank;
  static level = 10;
  static abilityDuration = 10;
  static abilityCooldown = 90;

  applyAbilityEffects() {
    this.player.sword.damage.multiplier *= 2;
    this.player.sword.knockback.multiplier['ability'] = 1.5;
    this.player.knockbackResistance.multiplier *= 1.5;
    this.player.shape.setScale(1.75); *= 8; *= 0;
    this.player.sword.swingDuration.multiplier['ability'] = 0.5;


  update(dt) {

    this.player.speed.multiplier *= 0.75;
    this.player.sword.damage.multiplier *= 1.2;
    this.player.sword.knockback.multiplier['ability'] = 1.25;
    this.player.knockbackResistance.multiplier *= 1.25; *= 1.25; *= 1.25;
    //TODO: Damagecooldown: 1.1


+ Ability Damage: 1.5 > 2
- Ability Regen: 12 > 8
- Damage: 1.25 > 1.2

Ability damage is heavily increased to make it actually useful, to have a better chance against runners, and just because a lot of people perferred the higher damage. The main damage of the tank is slightly reduced to make up for it, and every other non-ability stat isn’t changed because the tank without ability is pretty good as it is. The ability regen is by far the most helpful of these, as it allows for multiple tanks to be able to kill each other while they’re all using their abilities (like before the balance), it allows berserkers and others to have a chance against a tank using their ability if they aren’t focused, and it gets rid of most of the unnecessarily long, endlessly deadlocked fights that came from the balance update.


    this.buffs = {
      [Types.Buff.Speed]: {
        level: 0,
        max: 10,
        step: 0.05,
        buyable: true,
      [Types.Buff.Size]: {
        level: 0,
        max: levels[this.maxLevel].scale,
        step: 0.04,
        buyable: false,
      [Types.Buff.Health]: {
        level: 0,
        step: 0.1,
        max: 10,
        buyable: true,
      [Types.Buff.Regeneration]: {
        level: 0,
        step: 0.14,
        max: 10,
        buyable: true,
      [Types.Buff.Damage]: {
        level: 0,
        step: 0.045,
        max: 10,
        buyable: true,


- Health per upgrade: 0.2 > 0.1
- Regen per upgrade: 0.2 > 0.14
+ Damage per upgrade: 0.03 > 0.045

Speed upgrade is good as it is, and it is easily the most balanced upgrade right now. Especially with the other evol ideas, it doesn’t need much changes. Health, on the other hand… yeah its REALLY bad. The health upgrade is the cause for all of the other deadlocked fights that don’t come from abilities, and because of how insanely overpowered it is, it should just be halved. May seem like a lot, but it would probably still be one of the best upgrades even with this balancing. For the regen upgrade, its like health, but not as unbalanced, so it was reduced but not as much. Lastly, the new damage value is right between the new one and the old one, as the new damage upgrade is the worst upgrade of the four and the old one was the best, making the inbetween value pretty much perfect.

Some of these values may need to be tweaked, but I feel that these changes would help the balancing a lot


Good Idea

I don’t like turtle ability dmg being 2 and would want it to be 1.75 but since there is no tier 2 evol it has to take the place of warrior aswell

The old damage before “balancing” update was 2.5, because theres only tank and berserker rn it should be higher and then once the evol update comes around then it should be nerfed to make t2 and t3 classes better

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