Nerf throws and bots to the ground plez

Not if they are good and careful

Evo tree(s) V2? Oh yea, I gotta get back to that. Been focused on other things lately I forgot I was making that concept.

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Please. If your “good” or “careful” or even “smart” you ain’t gonna hit and run against someone with legit skill (like yours truly).

i got a few evolution ideas if u want me to DM them to you

Ig. I use the Strat a lot tbh. When someone is teaming it is an easy way to kill them and also if someone else is doing the same thing it is also an easy way to kill them

Bet. I have too, like Tamer and Ghost, but it’ll still have ones like Lumberjack, Archer, Rook, and especially Fisherman (oh and Samurai!)

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Strat? Whats that mean?

The hit and run Strat lol. Obviously I prefer using turtle and pvping but it is a pain to chase ppl down and if you can’t beat them… join them

Turtle’s good, but I max SPD and berserk the hell out of any Tankers. They’re just too slow. My pal does max SPD with tank, but idk if its effective.

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