New Codergautam Skin πŸ—£οΈ

@gautam add this to the game :speaking_head:

this should be an emoji

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i think it being his pfp is good enough

LLLL skin
absolutely terrible

Erm i think your skin is an L you should take off your skin


i’m gonna rip out your nerves

I think you need to be top 100/10? I have no idea though :skull:

pay gautam $50 XD

i js dont like it man its js goofy

funny prank to pull on friends!

  1. see exposed nerve
  2. touch
  3. chaos ensues

You have to be

A. A developer of sb
B. Be first on lb like angel

first for now >:) lol

bro think he gonna pass angle

Bro thinks like shut up I easily can I’m a sweat and got no life Alr…

coder gauntun

L skin once again sorey frumpyyy

it’s a joke skin, you absolute bum. stop being a loser

Lmao chillax brotha

You’re an L skin >:(
Be nice to frumpy