New-ish IO game (osu! ripoff)

Most of yall may know of Osu!, if you don’t, Osu! is the world’s most popular rhythm game! At the moment, Osu! has about 19 million active players, far more than the couple thousand Geometry Dash has.

Point of the post is, some guy created his own version of Osu! in JS for the web a couple years ago. And, as it happens, I have been trying (and failing miserably) at creating my own web Osu! version for the past two weeks using Pixi.js.

Now, this guy’s version was also made with Pixi.js, and it also happend to be that his last update was 4 years ago, and his website was shut down last year… And all his code is open sourced…

I gave up my dream of recreating Osu! from scratch (what was I thinking??) and decided to fork his code (also happend to be the best quality Osu! copy) and maintain it myself, as well as provide a platform for others to help maintain it, as the original is completely abandoned now.

You can find it here:

Now, couple things:
Is this legal?
Yes, completely legal. Osu!'s creator, peppy, is known to engage with the community and loves these kinds of projects. His game is also open-sourced, so what does it matter?

Isn’t this similar to
Yes, yes it is. They probably forked the same project. However, for some odd reason, they are missing plenty of features and their graphics suck, officially making WebOsu 2.0 the best version of Osu to play on the web.

How do I import beatmaps?
You don’t. You download them from an already existing database with (almost) every Osu! beatmap. Get gud.

I’ve found an issue, how can I report this?
Send me a dm or open an issue on our Github

Have you actually done anything yet? Or are you just stealing their code?
Yes, I have (or at least tried). For one, I have translated the entire site to English. Second, I switched the API from some chinese thing to Mino, before sorely regretting it and switching it back. Then, I added two mods (relax and autopilot) before breaking all the settings and reverting that too (proof is the insanity that is the Github commits.)

I am, however, planning on implementing several of those features (including touch support) with help from the pull requests that were not merged from the original project.

EDIT: added touch support & safari browser support, have fun!

TLDR: I stole project, I now maintain project, I own best version of WebOsu! Yesyes. Now come play on our website and have some fun, Make sure to let me know of any bugs. Also, the “live players” don’t work atm because of the messed up API, working on that too. Come play at

Also should be noted that this can only play Osu! standard beatmaps, not any of the other three types (nobody even ever plays them anyway)

I did good this time

That is pretty Epik ngl @Acol would prob Like it

Oooohhhhh this is very very fun!! ty!

absoloutly fire :fire:

Thanks for giving me something to do lol

I’ve never heard of any of these songs XD. Do you have any songs that aren’t from Japan and have English in them?

We have basically any song. You can search up songs, or go into the “genres” tab where you can pick a language. Tbh the only song on the popular tab that I’ve actually heard of is the Gravity Falls Theme Music, absolute banger.

tbh what I usually do is either search for a song I love, or randomly pick ones and play the ones that I can bop to

You should do god save the king

My dumbo brain doesn’t understand the UI :skull:

y’all got skibidi toilet?

skibilibideiey toilet

Although I wish we hadn’t, we do. Several versions of skibidi toilet too.

osu is very fun


I’m pretty sure hes played it already, I saw him mention it before

Ye plays the proper one but I don’t think he plays the web version