No way chat a weapons tierlist from some idiot

This is my opinion don’t judge me and no base classes bc they all suck (/j but still they don’t have enough playability to be here)
Also im new to the forum wsg

S: Champion, Slasher, Alchemist, Scythe, Fire caster, Boomstick, Blunderbuss, No class (/j)

A: Star blaster (my beloved), Sniper, Death sabre, Infernal mage, Behemoth, Dragoon, Gatling gun, Winged bow, Rocketeer, Cannon

B: Solar flare, Pulse gun, Excalibur, Katana, Holy hammer, Giant, Spork, Puncher, Pistol, Shotgun, Paladin, Marksman, Bomber, Blizzard staff

C: Charge blaster, Railgun, Mirror, Umbrellar, Lancer, Spear, Gunner, Grenadier, Sorcerer, Frost staff

D: Aura monk, Shield, Crossbow,

E: Aura shield, Cake cannon

F: Rune caster thing, the thing after rune caster

Mb if i didn’t include smth tell me if i didn’t include smth

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What tf LMFAO
@7Clappz :skull:


why ping

aw man it got flagged

cake is broken u prob don’t know how to use it lfmao :skull:

i mean i did say i was an idiot so checkmate