Ok Why do i have to make this I can't believe

Ok I got on for like 2 secs to grind for a bit, but I see some random ppl online, so I do the rational thing. I get a purple chest at level one then kill the ppl online. The best part is, they were teamers :augh: I mean It was annoying af, I cook one the other jumps in, but eventually I kill one. You would think story over, but the other one just runs, I mean full cmdr auto to win mode, they only came back to attack when the other one spawned back in so they could roach me, and I went through this for a while until I just gave up and left to make this post. I really didn’t think running would go this far. Where is their honor :sob: I chase them around for like ten years every single time and literally I though ppl knew this lesson by now. Except for a few specific ppl cough, cough, you know some ppl cough cough And I know some movement has to take place I even got a name, the anti-running movement. I know some mod Cough, Cough Flame and Wasd, Hue will come and close it saying keep it to general chat Or smth *if not Then W I just wanted to say in a nutshell don’t run :confused:



He attacked a bunch of teamers and they were too good at teaming + running. Very annoying, wouldn’t recommend.


sounds horrible, i would never run or team ever :pensive:

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:lying_face: :lying_face: :lying_face:





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I actually won’t close topics like these, because they would spark conversation and you didn’t include anyone’s name in the rant

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ye thx

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Me who just causally killed a server (took two tries cuz my pvp has gone downhill :sob:) :+1:( •_•):+1:

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Hue do you even play swordbattle? XD

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Did you say you would?

Actually he did say that he ran like cmdrautowin which is a specific person

The point isn’t to slander AutoWin, though, just giving an example

Ohh yeah I get it now mb

He shouldnt run then… If he trolls like that he wants ppl to “slaughter him”

Eh you shouldnt close any topic thats like that bc that is stopping other ppls emotions which isnt ok. Lets say they are saying extremely toxic stuff, then flag/close it. If they just expressing their emotions that’s no big deal

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Straight to the point


Im just speaking facts here

flame said he wont close