(part 2) how to combo runners in 120 words

runners. one of the more annoying types of people to play swordbattle.io

however, in this post, i’ll show you guys how to combo runners so that you don’t have to deal with any of their backing out ever again.

(note: this only works on players who back out of combos, not bots who just keep on running away)

first, watch for when they back out of your combo.

once they move back towards you, let go of your forward key and briefly tap your backwards key. this makes it so they cannot hit you.

after this, just continue your combo and repeat as nessecary.

(i am continuing this series, stay tuned and make sure to comment if you have suggestions!)

well they’re runners
what if they just run away indefinitely

Cool guy that’s true they prob won’t just attack they will prob run so maybe just corner them or get one of the wolves of grass biome on them or push them in lava or get a lava enemy on them or get an ice enemy on them and attack them at the same time unless you push them in lava, and they die.

Or you can max the speed stat out

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Even better if you choose berserker

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yeah just don’t get trapped between a wall when running. unless your tank and it ability ready so u can save yourself which happened to me that almost made me die if i didn’t had tank ready

Beserker + full speed = :augh:

ik beserker with full speed is…


Tank + Max Damage = :augh:

this doesnt really explain how to, i mean I’m good I know how to still kill them,but, kinda confusing…

what makes it confusing?

doesnt really say HOW to combo them when they are running

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kinda just explaining how to combo

i dont think so - i mean im assuming most who look at this post know how to combo, and i am explaining how to change your combo method slightly to make it so you can combo them.


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If you get 100k coins you can max regen and health on tank and then you are the tankiest person alive

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