(part 3) what damage 10 tank feels like

(part three of my impressions of ____ 10 feels like (in some cases with an evol that amplifies the points upgraded))

so for part three, as per @Uesto’s request i will be doing what damage 10 with tank feels like.

(warning: now this is overpowered)

so i tried a couple different tests on people, this is how damage 10 with tank feels like…simply overpowered.

with the tests i mentioned i found that damage 10 can 2-6 hit almost all bots/players, save that they do not have full regeneration or health.

this can be extremely powerful in fights - combos and trades alike!

once you put your opponent into a combo, you are pretty much guaranteed to get an easy kill as your hits will cause them significant damage.

i noticed that damage 10 is especially good for trades, because even if you and your opponent are trading and have an equal amount of hits landed, you will still kill them due to your high damage.

what do you all think about damage 10 with tank?

damage is one of the best ones but regen is too, I’d say the best build you can get is just half damage half regen
p.s. try max health with tank as well

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after your done with your " _10 feels like" series do what ( _ 5 & _5 ) feels like we need combos !

I suggest u try dmg 5 and regen 5

nice, ty!

regen is kinda op- but i never use it because i like being hunted by 2 people when I’m at yellow health (not masochist)
people with max regen, half health and half regen is close to impossible if you are a tank

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