Pet Peeves in Swordbattle

With a lot of new players joining the game and the forum, I thought it would be nice for all of us to share our pet peeves, basically any player behaviors that we find infuriating.

I would like this topic to be a discussion where players can learn what behaviors to avoid in-game. I do think that given that there has been a lot of tension among players in the community, even non-newbie players could benefit from this topic.

Setting a few ground rules for this topic:

  • No toxicity shall be tolerated.
  • Do not hint towards/mention any specific users. ← Want to emphasize this!
  • Debates on whether a behavior is reasonable/not annoying are welcome.

I’ll start off by sharing some of my pet peeves.

1. Walking up to me and saying "team"

If you guys have seen me in game, you probably know that I’m usually chill. I don’t ever attack first, since I think it’s best to give new/passive players an opportunity to just play the game peacefully. I wait for any fights to come to me. But if you walk up to me and spin while saying “team”
 I do find that kind of annoying. And honestly, it makes me feel more tempted to kill players who do that.

If you see that a player’s already chill/passive and they aren’t going out of their way to attack/fight you, there is no need to ask them to “team”. Whenever a player walks up to me asking to team, it makes them seem so dependent on others. I’m probably already frustrated enough that there aren’t any players on who would like to kill me, and seeing players being desperate for a teammate just adds on to my frustration. Be more independent, and less reliant on teammates.

2. Acting like you didn't do anything wrong when you definitely did

You all know how sometimes there are players ho have been attacking/roaching you, and then the next minute, they pretend as if nothing had happened? And act like they’re completely innocent? That’s really infuriating. Being chill isn’t a switch you get to just turn on or off whenever you feel like it. If you’ve tried killing/attacking me, don’t expect me to be all sunshine and rainbows when you decide to act chill. Expect a fight coming your way.

3. New players trying to claim gold that shouldn't be theirs

This pretty much only applies to new players. I’m definitely happy to share with good friends. I’m also okay with sharing with new players, but only if it feels appropriate. Say you’ve been fighting a boss or breaking a chest single-handedly, and a player that you’ve just met/“befriended” (as in you’re only acquainted with them, and you aren’t exactly friends yet) asks to share the gold. That just doesn’t sit right. It’s even worse when they straight up say “mine” as if they aren’t even asking if they could take the gold; they’re expecting that you to give it to them.

This also goes for when a player just disconnected and left a pile of gold. If you see that none of the other players are trying to take it, it means they’re expecting the disconnected player to return. Don’t take the gold.

If the player did mean to leave and wants other players to take the gold, don’t take the entire pile of gold. That’s just rude. It’s always custom to share the pile of gold among nearby friends.

And if a player asks that only one specific player to take the gold, don’t flock over to them as they’re leaving in an attempt to snatch the gold. It’s not meant to be yours, and give some space. It’s crazy how much this happens whenever I announce “Alright, I’ma head out”.

If you actually read through this entire rant of mine, thank you so much for taking the time to do so. That’s (probably) all the pet peeves that I’m going to list myself. It’ll be interesting to hear from other players’ pet peeves and thoughts.


In V1, one of mine was people on red after fighting me saying “team”

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The audacity of players who do that is crazy.

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I also hate it when people use ability as soon as you hit them.
Not much of a “oh it’s so unfair thing” it’s more of a “why would you do that” thing


ngl what I find annoying is people teaming with me when I’m in the middle of a fight. I’m friendly with LOTS of players, so people are usually willing to venture with me into fights and most of the time thats chill if they want to attack a stray guy or help kill boss. The thing that I find annoying though is when I’m trying to 1v1 and a few pals (or roachers) just straight jump the dude and then take all their gold an then turn to me like they’re expecting a thank you. Maybe I’m just feelin this way because how I hate how teaming doesn’t help you get better at the game that much.


I think I wrote too much.

:augh: :augh: :augh:

all fothe above XD

Bruh if he didn’t put that there I bet you’d be rattin on every noob in the game.

Doesn’t happen much to me, but it’s definitely infuriating whenever that happens.

Another thing is when your friends swoop in to fight a player that attacked you.

I just want to fight alone and for myself :augh:

  1. When I’m trying to kill someone and they say “why”. It’s annoying because the answer is obvious. It’s literally a fighting game.

  2. When people steal my coins. For example, one time, I was killing a boss. As soon as I was about to kill it, this berserker ran in, killed it, took the coins, and left.

  3. People who say team and then betray me. This happened to me often. Someone says “team”, and I say ok. Then later, when I get low from a boss or another player, they kill me. Then when I spawn back in, (I don’t roach, unless it’s a CERTAIN player, so I just go looking for more chests.) they come looking fo me and kill me.

That’s it for now, but I might add more later.

Ah, happens to me too. I don’t mind extra help, but I’d like to beat the bosses and get the coins on my own sometimes.

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Guys I brainstormed and I have found the perfect solution!

Super duper secret plan 9000

If someone isn’t in your clan or isn’t on the forum just kill them!

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It is literally perfect and I see no ways on how this could ever go wrong!

I hate how ppl expect me to be good when im hardly even b tier like bro i havent played in months :sob:

when people try to befriend me, i usually accept if i know they havent like done anything against like proper sb ettiquite
but what really annoys me is when someone asks to befriend me, then randomly turns on me because im breaking a chest or im red or something, and then when i attack them they say “what did i do???” and act like they forgot

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Does this happen a lot? I have had this happen to me in v1 but I personally don’t think it has happened in v2

Most players aren’t foolish enough to do that, especially if they know that they aren’t as good in PVP. This kind of stuff rarely happens, but still happens.

I only know one person who does that. cough cough
