Please migrate your v1 accounts

I was procrastinating checking this stat for so long but here it is…

This is not NEW signups, just how many accounts have migrated OR signed up newly. Was expecting more but oh well, we got time. I’m gonna be running some ads soon.

Funny considering how 2022 pumpkin skin got 1k buys on halloween alone :sob:


Is migrating just logging in on v2?

Pretty much, the migration is automatic and instant

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Winter break really kicked in for v2

bro my acc didnt even transfer over to v2 :sob:

this is kinda sad…

i mean ig the game is a little generic

Hey do you remember your username?

I forgot that many people just rely on the game storing your stuff and dont remember your username, bad play on my part to just log everyone out. (It saved me a few hours of migration hell tho)

I thought mine didn’t but then remembered with help I changed my name :skull: :sweat_smile:

Coder my messages don’t work so can’t private message you for now

{ck} monke or {ck} immonke

migrate my account and add 6969696969 gems to it cuz im too lazy to grind for all skins

you only need about 2k for all the skins theres so little of them

Also its more fun to ABSOLUTELY SUFFER FOR THE SKINS bc the accomplishment feels so much better although you prob know tht

What service are you using to check that stat? Neon postgres?

Half the accounts never got migrated anyways lol

not when the game boring ahh hell

600 v2 users with 100+ daily active!!!

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U kids cant remember your own username correctly, dont blame me for that. All of them were migrated properly

gautam firing back against the community’s autistic group!!!


I dont know if I should be offended! Going to go throw ice cubes at the sun and reflect. BRB!