Please report your swordbattle fps

I’ve been hearing reports that V2 Fps has gotten worse than V1, I’m making a poll to collect some data:

What is your average * V1 * FPS

If you haven’t played V1 or forgot your fps, don’t vote on this one! I know people’s FPS slowly drops on this one, just tell me your avg initial FPS!

  • 60+
  • 50-60
  • 40-50
  • 30-40
  • 20-30
  • 10-20
  • under 10
0 voters

What is your average * V2 * FPS

Use either the main link or backup link. Set resolution to full. Mess around with the other options to maximise your average fps.

  • 60+
  • 50-60
  • 40-50
  • 30-40
  • 20-30
  • 10-20
  • under 10
0 voters
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With 100k in sb 40 noe 100k 120

Yes but the question was initial fps. That’s an unrelated bug I fixed

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180fps on both


idk even how to get to v2 tbh

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just go to

also who own again? i forgot my username and password lol

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On a low end computer I only get 30-40 fps on average but on my high end computer I get a constant 144fps
The game seems to just perform as good as the device its being played on is, and the weird lag when you get a lot of coins still exists
I think the game needs to be more like realmz because even when I test realmz on a low end device I still get 55-60 fps

Realmz uses plain canvas api which makes it a lot faster sacrificing code quality though, I’m thinking of using another lib called Pixijs which should fix fps issues. A lot of major games useit


i actually don’t know because i can’t even get on swordbattle due to it says connecting on the play button in v2 or there a error that happens in v1 now i stuck with or

i’ve been 50 - 60 since the new graphics turn down thing on halfway

nvm i was just impatient it finally loaded.

I’m not answering for V2 since it wouldn’t be accurate since I’m on a unblocker.

Edit: I will for the unblocker it’s like 60-50-40-30 but mostly 60-50

Yeah its a bit slow gonna fix it in the next update

@gautam literally does :skull:


@anon76426101 you went from 60 fps on v1 to under 10 on v2?

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In v1 it was either 60fps or 30fps which is fine because it stayed at those frame rates without jittering. Now it is all over the place but the max is ~45 with dips down to ~20
