POV: my school blocked realmz.io, lurkers.io and sword battle io


Gatdamn still works

That page is blocked lmao
can you just dm me the links
(it blocks webpages based on words too so Prxxy and unblxcked will trigger it)

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ya same if the link has any inapporite word that trigger the screen

I can edit the title for you so you can access it :slight_smile:

Try again.

Also, have you tried GitHub - 3kh0/ext-remover: A collection of ChromeOS exploits free for the public?

its blocked lmao

i tried again it no work

Here is a bing cache page for the same thing
bing ext-remover

whoops… there goes half of realmz’s ad revenue without fishy and hitman!

i use an add blocked it gets no revenue from me XD sorry future i just dont like ads

My school forces adblocker

lucky i had to find one that was downloadable

There are no video ads ao they should not be a problem

i litery dont know i have one or not it was optional in schoool