Realmz Forums Are a Complete Mess

These forums are becoming more and more like the trump vs Biden controversy everyday.

Half of this forum is literally about this “World War” sht these days. If you want to argue just do it in DMs, not post random things that pollute the forums. There is also absolutely no reason to post 5 different posts that all say the same thing, at that point it becomes spam. All this is bad enough even without the clappz incident.

This is exactly why people quit the forums.

Clans are for the weak teamers who can’t support themselves and require assistance. Realmz should go back to a no clan state, it was much better in the old days. Even if you don’t disband your clan, at least stop polluting the forums with your clan problems.


bro chill out this isnt even that serious… its just some kids beefing over silly little things and u act like its the end of the world. besides, it doesnt actually make ppl quit, but rather makes the forum alive even if its slightly annoying at times


imo there should be a forum thats only realmz, not gautams 99% swordbattle 1% realmz.
so its not polluting other stuff



Bluegen is the cause for this XD

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Not like im a big part of the realmz forum community but whenever i check realmz forum topics bluegen is always agruing abt smth :skull:

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