Goblins Lore

Goblins entered the realm in June. Heres some lore about them:

Goblins prefer warmer and dry climates, such as the dry grasslands/savanna or deserts. Goblins have built a camp at the edge of the dry grasslands. This small camp could theoretically be a smaller part of a large goblin empire.

Goblins are fanatical purfiers. They kill any other high sapient species, such as gnomes and players. The goblins most likely have an authoritative government structure, where stronger goblins have higher positions. Goblins are extremely social with other goblins and work together to acheive goals.

Goblins have a warrior and magic based culture. Their camp consists of 2 warrior goblins and one lesser mage goblin. If you kill all of them and are deemed strong enough, a powerful goblin mage will attack. This goblin mage most likely is the head of the camp.

The history of goblins is mostly unknown, but they may have come from another realm. Hopefully the developers add more to build upon the Goblin lore.


what about the dr erththentons?!?!?

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nice lore lmao

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