REMAKE new swords idea

ok screw my old idea for the buying swords but what if there were swords that would randomly be laying around on the map ,just like chests. I also looked at the comments on my previous post you said it would not be fair so it would be a one time use for an extra damage for like 5 seconds, (similar to a strength potion in Minecraft)

But idk wasd told me in the comments that this has been discussed before and wasn’t able to work
but I think it is better than my last idea but it only depends on you guys and Gautam.


So like items you find around the map?

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Or just don’t change it because they’re fine as is

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and v1 was just fine how it was

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Items could be cool.

They could change the tide of battle in a tight situation.


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Some similar idea was in the V2 idea dump, when we were brainstorming ideas for V2 features.

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sry I didn’t know

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No, you’re all good, you did nothing wrong.

Just wanted to show you that items around the map has been discussed before in case you were interested. But having different swords is new I think.

Personally, I’m not too sure about this idea. I wouldn’t want PVP to become RNG-based and have players win by luck if they could pick up a good sword that spawns in right next to them.


I think a little bit of luck is good, especially since there’s a relatively high skill ceiling

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Depends on what the power ups do

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that’s for you to decide

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If the pvp is luck-based then theres no point in trying to actually get better

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i wish the game actually becomes MORE skill based

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