secret mobs -

I snooped around the game files and found mobs that exist but cannot spawn in

  1. rhino
    The rhino has been teased for quite a while but has never officially made it into the game.

  2. Wormy
    Wormy was added in the game for the Halloween update but was removed afterwards. I hope it becomes a new boss in the game.

  3. Blood Boulder

I don’t know anything about this other than that it’s name is most likely Blood Boulder. It appears to have the exact same AI as regular boulders.

  1. Big Ooze
    I am pretty sure the big ooze does not spawn naturally. Despite it’s large size, the game files say that it only has 85hp and it only does 3 damage, which means it is as weak as a red slime.

  2. Frog
    Not much to say about this.

  3. Blue mushroom and mushroom resprites

  4. Scorpion

The mob sprite sheet also has a lot of blacked out areas which are most likely other secret mobs.

Thank you for reading!


I hid a lot of them because there are so many with unfinished animations/ai


Where he getting these game files? I want modern source code.

those are client files so use inspect element


Oh yeah… my dumbass bro

Yeah lol I inspected it a while ago and I found out you could do this. It also has the secret weapons. That’s also how to get the source code.

The big ooze thing is a player using a skin, it doesn’t naturally spawn.

Yeah lol it was just u trolling us

so many cute mobs in realmz

Wormy is cute

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yooo i remember looking at all of them before they were released to the public (even the ones that still aren’t)
they’re pretty cool so look out for som epicall mobz

big ooze looks epic

mobs in realmz are so cute compared to sb so cuddly and cute <33