Should I make swordbattle v3?

I know I'm posting after what? a 100 years now. Alr anyways, let me get to the point. So I've seen that the hype for v3 has been smth and I liked the concept of it and thought it would be great 3d. Also, I've another project to do as well but am willing to drop it for v3. So I'm still confuzzled about what I should do.

Let's get a public opinion! If this get's 20 "Yes" i'll make it

Should I make v3?!
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
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If something like this ever does happen it should probably have its own name and stuff, swordbattle v3 just doesn’t sound enough for how much content it could have


Yes, it could be like an alternative to v2.

Can someone send pics of each biome, not a screenshot of the minimap, cus i need as much detail. @gautam do u have them?

I can send you it

I know the code

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That would be great please.


Wait nvm, i got it finally, thx tho still

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wait couldn’t gautam copyright it? for this reason?

very dangerous.

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