Skin Idea/Concept (12): "Pikachu" Skin

G-MAN has made a new little something, for all those with Pokemon pfp this is a skin ya’ll would like. Meet the Pikachu skin. Its around 4,000 or 400 gems and it’s cute flavor text is, “Pika Pika?”
a7e2c36a-9ad2-4f65-af7f-c900ce806446-removebg-preview (8)
a7e2c36a-9ad2-4f65-af7f-c900ce806446-removebg-preview (9)
Again, this is the Pikachu skin and the ThunderTail sword. This was made at the request of my boy, A-Bot.

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Looks cool tho


I know. I just made this for fun for A-Bot. This ain’t making it into the game.

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the fact you put this makes me think that you thought you could add this to the game?


Why not? Just because it ain’t going in the game doesn’t mean I can give it some flavor text and a price. In the end its just for fun, so who cares? Hop off. I can make a SB skin if I want, regardless if its going in the game or not.

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You didn’t answer my question ._.

I never said you can’t do it… you’re bending my words D:
I’m just saying that you added the suggested price and description which makes me think that you thought this was a viable skin for the game and then you said you already knew. That’s what frustrates me.

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Me adding a tiny detail makes you frustrated? Literally no-one cares, G. You just lookin for any reason to talk crap. Jeez. Does me breathing frustrate you too? If so, I’ll happily stop, that way I won’t have to hear you ramble any more.

mf missed the point so bad


G, why am I getting swarmed by the fun police?

If you want to fight, take it to DM’s.

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Nh bro, I ain’t want fight. Its just that I’m getting police brutality-ed by the fun police. Careful, @_MV_UN_Faraway_Flame , you just as so smile and your done for.

You dare steal my thunder?

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I sincerely apologise

To the water for you

I guess I deserve it now

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Yep glad you realize it

electro rat skin :fire: :fire: