Skin Idea/Concept (6): Keyboard Skin

G-MAN at it with my 6th skin idea, here we go. This is the “Keyboard” skin and costs 40,000. The flavor text would be, " Typing out victory." Now what makes this skin so special is that its a callout to one of the SB communities most chill player’s: @Wasd.
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700044c2-a2fc-4146-8933-b4e97ba2ec0d-removebg-preview (16)
The Keyboard skin and the Mouse sword. This one’s for a good friend.

Sorry that the mouse’s tail is so thin. Gautam an Shadow got their own skins, now WASD could potentially get one too.

Hey! That’s my name! Wasd! Wasd like the name because the keys :OOO


Im older than wasd man i get no credit :frowning:

Love it but make the skin more circular for a fairer gameplay and hitbox. Just adjust the sizes of the two peices :)

I do wonder if I’m older than you on the forum tho since you have been banned like 100 times now

well new acc new me

Mouse too small…
Also I wanna make wasd skin D:<


You don’t say? Hmmm… :thinking:

There. I made the skin more circular, It even manages to fit in default, and fixed the mouse sword problem of size.

still kinda oval like, but idk

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i don’t see a change, it looks same as b4 make it circular lol

Its cuz of the format i think. In the art app it fitted right in the skin. Let me show you without 300x300 format

Better? This is without 300x300


I’m sure this’ll work in a game.

itll work for sure
just looks a bit weird

As long as my G, WASD, likes it i’m fine with it.

the 300x300 format obv its 300 for both because it is suppose to be a circle, and yea it looks better but It still is oval, make It a circle for a better chance and fairness and fair hitbox

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I’ll try one more time.

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