skin poll

Personally i like things with simplicity… But in swordbattle v2 there are no skins that dont have too much detail, Ex: Void skin - - IO Games Forum this is good for the skin, but maybe add some like stars on the purple to make it like galaxy and a blackhole? I just think as a person who likes simplicity, there are no simple skins beside default.

@ManagePasswords @gautam depending on the poll, will you add one or two?

  • add 1 or 2
  • no
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My friend made the skin and he literally designed it to be simple :man_facepalming:

The entire point of it is “pitch black body with purple gradient outline” because thats what his actual pfp is like and thats all he wanted, nothing more


the problem is it seems low effort. even if it was high effort maybe bt most “simple” skins are just a bunch of circles from coogle slides

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Ya it is kinda basic.