So apparently I'm hacking after I did a 1v5?

So I was on sb with like 500k coins and me and @bevonnaa where just grinding one on USA and one on Europe.I was on USA and I died right not a big of a deal

First of all leaon was mad after I killed him cause he was red and I thought he was gonna take boss and this kid bear had a grudge from like 1852 and @Dreadnaught was pressed after I killed in wall this kid hi1 I killed and ioi was mad after I took the coins back he stole from my 500k mass

I killed these ppl @LeonMS123 Bear the shirt @Dreadnaught a kid named hi1 and some other named ioi so they Kill me and I got very mad like tf its a 1v5 and

So I get my friend bevonnaa to join take the boss and give it to me
boom 1 down then 2 down I die after they tried to kill me

I Was DEFAULT not even able to get tank etc and I cooked this kid so bad leon LOL (@LeonMS123 you suck more worse then a new player) WHEN HE WAS USING POWER LOOL and he tried to hackusate me and stuff and ppl started to call me a hacker and I killed em since I kept respawning and I had so so so so much coins I was getting 30 fdps (I got a good PC) I screenshared to my friend right bev on discord and I got like 15-20 fps and STILL cooked leon a ton and his little idiot friend bear and they both got so mad and left

Like its funny how these kids on sb are now calling me a hacker for being too good thatโ€™s just funny LOL

even oy himself called me the best v2 pvper these kids gotta get a life they had 30 mins trynna kill me not even like an hour and after that I got like 25k xp LOL thatโ€™s like cycling 500k coins total LOL

yall kids keep trynna piss me off and 1v5 then call me a hacker like if your bad just get good LOL L

To all my haters

Keep trynna kill me you cant LOL live with it

Never knew the day would come when Iโ€™m so good people start to hackeusate me like this ainโ€™t Minecraft


@ArtieMars you where right The Bear Shirt is dam annoying

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just bc Iโ€™m friends with you doesnโ€™t mean Idont kill you like I kill @penguin a lot but we still friends

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not reading this
but i dont think u hacked lol

Take time to read it to understand why

yeah number1 is definitely not hacking, a 1v5 means someone is skilled but not that they are hacking, and so when people make assumptions like that it promotes hackusations, so just dont do it guys!

9 times out of 10 the evidence is inconclusive or has nothing whatsoever to do with the situation, and guys number1 is one of the best players, its to be expected that heโ€™s skilled.


ive won 1v5s lol
(BC sucks)
but Num1 the goat

yeah, i read it. yall cant falsely accuse hacking, its not right. i understand your concerns but that evidence is completely irellevant, guys! he isnโ€™t hacking, just bc he is skilled and u guys rage quickly, doesnt mean someones hacking.

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only person who could potentially hack in this game is Gautam /j
he use the code and give him OP stat

nah some basic kid who knows how to make scripts can and also gautam has to restart the server and stuff he wants to use console to do stuff like that

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why would I try to kill you, I die when I get you to red

Youโ€™re mean, and no, I donโ€™t like you :)
But you definitely donโ€™t hack, youโ€™re actually good at the game.
Plus youโ€™re fun to annoy :slight_smile: :bird: :rooster:

Well i no hac

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