Someone Impersonating Gautam

So someone was named “Real CoderGatuam” and I said, “really?” and they said, “yeah”

I then asked what language he coded the game in and he responded with, “uh… english” :rofl::rofl::rofl:



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Ikr, I’m confused if he is real or not, because he has Coder’s account. He also stated what I told him yesterday in PM. I think it might be coder or some Mod or hacker looking in the PMs. I’m not sure, because he was saying that he did it for the stream. He was really annoying, saying he is too good, boasting, If it is the real @gautam, I HATE HIM.

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So who is it

If they have red name then it’s him. If not then it’s not him


it is him ik it is. I saw his vid on YT

I was trolling… you all take it too seriously.

Enjoy the epic content


i watched it alr on my ipad lmao

Lick and subcribeeeeee


btw Why didn’t you know what JS is? You said Join Same Game lmao, isn’t it JavaScript

K ill Lick the vid

I was trolling you guys cant understand a joke :sob:


Btw can u cancel this, its annoying, then it does not allow me to talk

But still that time, I didnt know u were real or not

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BRUH whts funny

conveniently doesnt show clip of me killing you XD

I had a feeling but then I asked u what language you coded the game in and you responded with, “uh… english so then I didnt think it was lol

Btw I killed Samurai twice so I’ll take tester ;)

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@gautam bro I’m in this video (finally I’m in a YouTube video). I tried to kill you at the start with JayAySeaOhBee14 and others LOL.


Ikr! We r so famous!!!

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I feel like you are kinda looking similar to swordz when you said those things. Although it wasn’t as bad i still think when joking around you should give some type of retribution.