Someone Impersonating Gautam

conveniently doesnt show clip of me killing you XD

I had a feeling but then I asked u what language you coded the game in and you responded with, “uh… english so then I didnt think it was lol

Btw I killed Samurai twice so I’ll take tester ;)

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@gautam bro I’m in this video (finally I’m in a YouTube video). I tried to kill you at the start with JayAySeaOhBee14 and others LOL.


Ikr! We r so famous!!!

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I feel like you are kinda looking similar to swordz when you said those things. Although it wasn’t as bad i still think when joking around you should give some type of retribution.


i killed him bruh

Im in the vid trying to kill coder LMAO

So we both get it then!

lol prob,

Yes I will make an apology vid next

Ngl sometimes if I didn’t know better I feel like you are swordz /:

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I mean
I don’t wanna spoil the fun he’s having but they have the same Ip


This is new info?!?!

And coder imposter him swordz and coder are never on at same time but get on a bit latter then him evrey time during the streams codder says he is good at PvP plus swordz magically got a ton of xp even thoug codder said for private servers it cause that data base ain’t private like the swordbattle io one and what’s a better way to find hacks


Yes yes very suspicious ngl


Wait, but didn’t millionjelly introduce swordz as jellypower?

I’m kid coder bans hackers yet swordz had a short ban and doesn’t post much any more and sometimes his post are originals coders but he swapped the owner


Also, jelly was introduced as “she”


Read: Look how much Jelly has improved!