Speed changes on direction?

When I went from spawn to top right it took me 49 seconds but when I went from top right to spawn it took ~25 (I got attacked). Either way this is a larrrrge difference and I have no idea why.

Maybe you got bigger along the way?

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Could be but I was levelled up quite a bit and even then the difference is a bit to drastic for that

Can someone try this put and see if its true

I feel like the PVP changed in this new version and its feels less skilled then the old one but i think you fixed the lag ngl

Nice yeah I’m working on improving PvP a hotfix should be out soon. But to be back on topic can someone see if the speed actually changes based on direction?

i’ll go cheak it out rn

I tried it, but i started a bit at the border of spawn. for me, i didn’t feel a difference, also i had 0 coins all the way.

It happens to Angel aswell so it hasn’t been fixed I don’t think

Nvm turning off WebGl fixed it

Does web gl do something?

WebGL is a JavaScript API that allows websites to use your GPU to display 3d (and 2d) graphics.

A web browser is a program like any other. This means it can display 3d graphics, just like video games do. WebGL allows websites to utilize this ability and display 3d graphics inside the browser. It doesn’t require any plugins because this ability is already implemented by the various web browsers.

How do I turn on WebGL in Chrome?

  1. Go to about:flags.
  2. Press Ctrl-F or Cmd-F and search for webgl 2.0.
  3. Find WebGL 2.0 Prototype and click enable.
  4. restart Chrome.

There is a speed difference i believe, when on the snow part of the map moving north east is faster then just moving east i feel like.

Wait so turning it off would affect the look of the game?

Depends on your system. We’re all configured differently. Generally, this is enabled and things render smooth. If turned off, it might break one thing or another ( It may change your render!). If you don’t normally tinker, and it is enabled by default, prolly ok to leave it alone :slight_smile:

Alright then!