Suggestions for carball

  1. chatbox
    when everyone is moving everywhere seeing chats is near impossible bruh

  2. keyboard as default

  3. rally car
    more control but less speed I don’t care how long it will take I’m still waiting for it

  4. basic leaderboard
    there is barely an incentive to play the game and because making an account system is kinda hard there should at least be a basic leaderboard for different game scores or likewise

  5. border color
    change the border color because it is straight up the swordbattle border and it should look more like the carball background

  6. team indicators
    each goal has some color on it to represent which team owns that goal

  7. goal indicator
    arrow that points to the goal you need to score in if 6 isn’t helpful

  8. bigger map
    the current map is only good for 1v1s, 2v1s at most

  9. faster back up
    it is literally faster to turn around instead of backing up, backing up needs to be faster and/or there should be a car that has fast back up

  10. auto team thing
    2v0s, 4v2s, etc. are possible and are kinda stupid so the game auto-assigns teams

  11. team changer
    alternative to 10 where each player can choose red or blue when they spawn and if one team has too many players than the new player has to choose the other

same for swordbattle

Because most people think mouse is easier

so number 11 is like spicywar?

i agree with 3 we def need a car with more control

Nah wait what happened to Carball, i wasn’t going 140mph yesterday.