Swordbattle being shown on Websites

ok so i searched swordbattle.io and i was expecting just the replit link but I bumbed into this

and this
(there isn’t even I SB V1.1 XD)

aaaaand this

@gautam can actually Sue them for taking something that isn’t there’s

is this right?

  • Yes
  • No
  • guatams choice
  • :frog: RIBBIT :frog:
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The funny part is that they all say “free download” is if it isn’t free

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It’s allowed. They are downloading it from the Google play store (exists) and just adding it to their website so people can download it elsewhere.

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you didn’t get what i meant

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they “are” downloading from google play but its not the same source because it can be a ripoff (like a lot of other website games) and trick you into making Them money while your stuck with a ripoff

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if you want a clearer example

its not the real swordbattle, its a remake ripoff

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Swordbattle.io piracy

This is the act of illegally reproducing or disseminating Swordbattle.io

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finally, someone you understands

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what are you doing to my post? fish


He’s not doing anything, you just have to reload


Usually those are websites with scammy ads and probably a modified APK, sure I can waste money taking them down and they’ll just make a new one

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why did I read this in a Indian accent :skull:

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Ima be honest
I did to

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a whole 7 Motnhs later, ive been here long