Swordbattle.io Wishlist

i should add them to my version ehehhehee

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Ight ik where im going to be this school year :laughing:


All of it I agree with but taming could be fun although super hard to balnce

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It would be super fun!

taming would indeed be funny getting jumped by a yeti boss and a shi ton of chimeras sounds extremely cool


Problem with this topic is its not properly maintained. Formatting is poor.

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It wouldnt let you tame bosses I dont think

Why is there so many copies of other topics on this forum… Guys lets come up with some new fresh ideas! :fire:

cant maintain if nobody shares ideas

:skull: what shoudl it look like then?

This is painfull :sob:

oh sry
i meant shuodl

XD, thats crazy thats not how you spell it :sob: :sob:

I died from spelling is incorrect that’s my wish
a-bot to get the spelling right :sob:

The fact that he purposely misspelled it :sob: :pray:

he is infected too :sob:

Fixed it!!!


Probably section then off based on achievability, add some ideas on how it could be implemented, use headings + table of contents, hide each idea so it’s more readable.

There’s probably more things you could do, people will give ideas if the topic is well-maintained

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Ioi… your the only person who ever has well maintained topics around here… You actually care about the topics you create

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aight lemme do that