Swordbattle.io Wishlist

u need the poll

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There should be drugs in swordbattle.io :thinking: >:)


If you give them coins, they’ll give u drugs that can give you boosts


add a new boss for high tier players to fight like an ultra dragon or smth

Yeah honestly thats a great idea… W monke???

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Someone already said this before and I dont think it would be good in the long run

YEP ADD DRUGS- :speaking_head: :fire:
Drugs Forms
Agility Form: Gives 2.5x speed then 1x ( stacks with speed-upgrade )
Strength Form: Gives 2.5x Strength and a 2x Fighting Boost ( stacks with damage )
Health Form: Insantly gets you to full health in 5 seconds ( matched with regeneration and health ) Regeneration ( if max regeneration = 1 seconds ) Max Health or lower upgrades can also match.

How to Get these forms:
Agility Form: Kill 5 players, then, find a secret chest that has a key were you go to a secret game that there is a maze to complete ( Note: when you complete the quest: you get inf agility forms but there is a 50 second cooldown to use it and its available every match! )

Strength Form: Kill 75 players, then kill the lava boss 10 times, then you will be teleported too this game where you have to fight a boss with 600K hp and once you beat it you will get the strength form inf times but its cooldown to use it is 120 seconds. ( available in every match since its permenant )

Health Form: Survive 10 Leprechaun Ability ( needs to be added ) while having 10% or less Hp while getting hit. Then, Survive Every Single Ability in the game 5 times while having 7 points on health and you cannot fight, only run, once the powerful bots chace you down with every ability, you have to run to survive. You will be given 7 points of health ( like i said ) and 10 points of speed. You will also be in a dark room trying to escape with a hidden door and you will be given a stamina bar, and once the stamina bar runs out, your speed will reset to 1, and once the stamina bar goes up to 100% with a cooldown of 15 seconds, you will get your 10 speed back.

Hows my idea?

edit: i think i messed up how to get the health form because it should be in the speed form instead of the health form.

is wasd a bad person

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Imo too op, would need to be toned down a lot

a lot? but getting it is hard

Also kids are likely to play this, so drugs in the game is prolly not the best idea.


ok but still add the drugs anyway

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Bro u just dont like a good drug…

They wouldnt be called drugs :skull:

WHY are you guys laughing about drugs, little kids will play SB and think that drugs are a good thing…

Drugs aren’t for laughing, I’ve seen what they do a person, and I never want to see a SB player taking IRL drugs cause of their favorite game

If you think people won’t do this, that’s what I thought until 2 of my friends accidentally took some and… I’m not spilling the rest for you

I’m not overreactive, I’m being serious so nobody has to deal with the real consquences

If you want a burst of dopamine, go outside and breath air.


drugs prob not gonna get added sadly…


Yeah but it would be fun to have them in game thats all… Or maybe im just craving an update who knows :man_shrugging:
