...swordbattle.io's fatal problem. (in my opinion ofc -- pls dont hate)


i, and probably the majority of all the others looking at this post, enjoy playing sb.

but there is always one problem…

even though the game is a w (ofc), there is a lot of potential for it - i think for how great this game is, the ingame graphics are just - i mean - they just dont hit right with me.

not saying that they look terrible. in fact, some are pretty decent, even good!

it’s just I can see a general theme of simplicity in all these graphics.

but if you want simple, why not make a cleaner plain green color w/ nice shading, for example, instead of a lot of little green dots that look mostly like grass but not in a simple way.

my point is, if people look at this game and the first thing they see is the graphics, they should be impressed. like, impressed impressed.

in fact, i think a good idea for gautam and others to add are texture packs you can buy with coins!

(if u guys want more info pls comment below and ask me to make a new topic about my idea). anyway, thats my opinion. let me know your thoughts and if you agree with me :]


High graphics makes it harder for most players to play the game due to lag


true, however im not talking abt high graphics here. im talking abt fitting with a theme and the general “feel” of the game.


use plain green its simple to code

if u want to keep it simple, thats great! I would actually prefer simple. but just…
Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 6.38.40 PM look at dis here. this is kinda simple but like, not rly. not with the flowers and dots. however the main actual graphics are good, but they don’t fit with the simplistic vibe compared with
Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 6.40.12 PM

Coder should add this for v2.

yes i agree

like y cant the textures be a simple green but with shading…and the bush match with it…and just make it FIT THE VIBE? also i have another point to makelol abt the texture which is

what on earth is this! Like if ur gonna make it be like minecraft, then do it. but this i rly dont understand. y put tiny little box thingies that frankly, dont look good for no reason? the only way it willl look good and somewhat minecraft good-ish is if u make one square roughly the size of double a player that just joined and follow my steps above. it would be much better in my opinion.


i LOVE LOVE that wow. (the summer pack) but yeah i agree the spring didnt make sense becuz its like pretty much summer now and the spring update was released like in the late spring/early summer lol so ya i agree.

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lol and sorry i was a bit ranty XDDD i was a bit annoyed (abt schoolwork) and i just wanted to make a topi abt this ig it came out a lil more agressive than i thought loollll

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