Skin Idea by @Hamm. Enjoy!
…Can someone make description and price ideas below? I got nothing. I’ll decide which I like best (If y’all make any that is)
Dang that was fast, thanks!
Name: Tennis
Desc: Swordbattle Ace!
Price: 825k
btw, you were why i thought of it
y is everyone making sports skins??? is tht the next challange???
that is epicc
the racket is kinda bad but i can help
No, there’s a reason…
you’ll see…
Nah, I think it’s just a trend going on or something.
Yeah, sorry, the racket’s a little bent.
I like it. I think 825k is too much though.
but harsh already made a lot of sport skins
i like men
I think this should be added, and I’m pretty sure @ManagePasswords will too.
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