the era of full leaderboards has returned?

so i was hopping on sb when i noticed something…it’s been a while since i’ve seen a full leaderboard like this. and all with accounts, too!

i think the era of full leaderboards has finally returned…hopefully this engagement keeps up for the forseeable future, its much more fun when the server is fuller (with more accounts, bc they roach/team less!!)

what do you guys think?

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The activity lately is crazy usually peak times were 5-6:30 and sometimes 8-9 but now it is constantly 30+

Imo this is the time to get an update out ASAP

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yeah really i can notice it a lot

@gautam yes this is a great idea, to keep engagement peaked!

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wasd your British use the calander thing

Did you mean 2024-04-22T22:30:00Z2024-04-22T23:00:00Z?

2024-04-22T16:00:00Z. That is 5pm for me

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gochu, that’s like noon for me

and it doesnt even need to be elaborate. a simple addon, or small feature, would be really nice!

I agree, something perfect would be some skins, maybe more evos as well

evols would be nice
one of my friends at school (plays sb but not a lot) said that the game would be better with more evolution

evols definitely

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will do soon!



The upgrades? or skins (or both)


Abot is #1 in that server? Crazy

its cause im a god at not dying if u know what I mean

When I was just on a fair amount of people were playing, though HollowKight was so toxic, we had the ice boss on red and he out of nowhere kills me and kills, the ice boss, even though i had don 90% of the damage, I killed him in the most toxic way i could, full speed and damage beserker. (At this point im just venting)



nice to see. might dominate it soon…