The Official IO Games Forum Hunger Games

im 132 replies ahead of the the person with the second most replies

I have exactly 1 more reply than flame

Though I suppose itā€™s 3 now isnā€™t it

yea lol

bruh flme hope they get better cuz im bored as heII

we need to get back to work guys :speaking_head: :farmer:

day 4

man, this grammar is killing me


Oh hey Qwerty, welcome back

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Rip forum hunger games. died out like most great events that happen.

Prolly because of how much work they need to do in a short timeframe if only there was something like a robot that could manage the boring stuff

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nah we havenā€™t said anything in the group msg in like a month :skull:

(stupid fšŸøk char limit)

Flameā€™s personal issues kinda put this all on hold. I imagine everything did not turn out alright considering I havenā€™t seen him since


i a robot with lotsa spare time now :slight_smile:

Yeah, and as if things couldnā€™t get worse, I tore a ligament in my right hand


Oh god I wish you luck :cry:

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Thanks for the like?

Iā€™m mostly fine, just canā€™tā€¦

ā€¦use my right hand.

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I guess day three will take a bit to come out.

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:augh: sounds very :augh: and painful get well soon

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