The sb war Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Incognitoes

Number1 and the others followed Gautam toward a man in a suit, wearing a fedora, and sipping tea. “Good Morning Number1.” The mysterious figure said. “Who are you?” “I’m Incognitoes, you can call me incog.” Several people gasped. “Incog… You… Work with Gautam?” 3RG3R asked. “Yes, I am the silent assassin. I am here to kill Number1.” Number1 winced. “If you are going to kill me, just get it over with.” “Okay, I was going to invite you to tea first, but have it your way.” Incognitoes took a knife out of his pocket and stabbed it in Number1’s heart. Number1’s eyes widened then Incog took the knife out and Number1 fell to the floor.


@Number1 , killer chose for you to die

Thats secretly uri dressing up as me

nope, its you

you died


Racially motivated (real)

you get to chose who dies next, wait till i send you the options in dms

hell nah, Im not racist. Killer chose for you to die

I don’t read ones that don’t do anything with me or wasd but I like them anyways

what if you die, then you and wasd are both out.

What if wasd almost dies and we escape together but in the last second we have to fight something or someone and I kill myself to save wasd <3

Wait aren’t I already dead? I’m reading this backwards

I think you’re ded Idk tho

can u add me

wait why can’t i get a chance to chose who dies next?

its already over.

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