This illusion can CHANGE how you play

so its most likely that everyone reading this already knows this: however it is less known that this illusion can change how you play

what’s the illusion? the sword hitbox illusion. how this works is that almost every skin in has a slight difference in size to the default skin’s sword size. most of the time the difference is small.

but other times…the difference is really different from normal. particularly in two cases: the suit skin and the acol skin.

the suit skin’s sword is unusually long. the hitbox itself does not ever change, but it certainly looks like you have more reach while wearing the suit skin.


meanwhile, the acol skin’s sword is really short for a sword, as instead of a sword it is a gun. again, the hitbox stays the same but it looks like you have limited reach while having the acol skin equipped.


Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 5.06.45 PM

but why does this matter?

well, i noticed recently that my gameplay is affected by the skin’s sword size. for example, when i use the suit skin, i have lots more confidence while comboing and styling: the fact that the hitbox is less then the sword stays in my mind, but my confidence (imo) boosts my skills.

and when i use the acol skin? well, since the sword is shorter, for some reason its harder for my mind to keep the thought that the hitbox is the same stick. soo this leads to me losing combos. i can style just fine, but i always position myself too close to my opponent, which leads to my combo being lost.

what do you think? does this affect you the same way it does me?


It’s likely because you aren’t used to it



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ofc it does. thats why most pvpers’ like to use storm skin or some other sword with a long appearence

yeah i personally prefer it. however sometimes it can give you confidence, because sometimes it can feel like reach. generally, though, i agree.


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The hitboxes were designed for the original default sword, and works best on that. Then all the artists came and messed it up

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So there could be a invisible sword?

that would be funny lol. but yes.

it would be incognito (Pun intended)

xd yeah

This is why I wore the ninja skin for the first few months that I played swordbattle until the ice skin was added. Its so nice having a better look at what the hitbox is

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What about the devil skin. The skin has a normal sized sword but the hitbox is crazy

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